Prima Latina By Leigh Lowe, a complete curriculum, published by Memoria Press. This set of books is intended for grades one through four, but can be used with grades higher then this as the introduction to Latin. This curriculum came with a paperback teacher's manual, a paperback student work book and a cd. The cd has a pronunciation guide, prayers that you will be learning, songs and the words from each lesson spoken in Latin. The student work book has 25 lessons, with room to write your answers on each page, and a review every five lessons. There is also a vocabulary appendix in the back of the book. The teacher's manual has the same layout of the student book, but with the answers filled in with green ink on each page, which in my opinion makes things much easier to explain and grade. Just like the student work book, the teacher's manual has a vocabulary appendix in the back of the book as well as printable tests and the corresponding answer keys. Also included in the teacher's manual are, a printable vocabulary drill record, a guide to lesson planning and a sample day lesson. Each lesson your student will learn one to two lines of one of the basic Catholic prayers; the Holy, Holy, Holy, the Glory Be, the Table Blessing and the Our Father or Lord's Prayer. Each lesson is about 4 pages long, with nice sized print. With 30 total lessons this is easily a year long curriculum. That will give your student a basic understanding of the Latin text and can be used with multiple age groups at one time. There is also a dvd course available for this text, which I did not get.
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Prima Latina Text Set for the
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Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi