Around The Year, Once Upon a time Saints by Ethel Pochocki, illustrations by Ben Hatke, published by Bethlehem Books, 211 pages recommended for ages 10 and up. This book is such a great book to have. It is filled with saints from every month of the year. Some of the saints are your tried and true favorites like, St. Francis, St. Joseph, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Others were less known, at least to us, like St. Paul Miki and St. Charles Lwanga. Also included were wonderful stories of the Blessed Mother under such titles as Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Our Lady of Czestochowa, as well has the Heavenly Helpers (Archangels) and Guardian Angels. Each story is only a few pages long, and could easily be read in 10-15 minutes. The book is in liturgical order starting with the saints of Advent and coming full circle with a total of 29 saint stories in this book. We have really enjoyed this book and the others in the series. My daughter will read a story each week of a saint whose feast day falls in that week. She will then draw a picture using details from the book and do other activities relating to the story she read. They are just short enough to make out loud reading possible, even for those who have a hard time reading aloud. There are 3 books that I know of in the series and you do not need to read them in any order. Each story has beautiful pencil drawings depicting the lives of the saint. These books are a nice size print for children to read, and a tad bit larger then your average paperback book. This would make a great bedtime story book for younger children. And a great addition to every grandma and grandpa's house.
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