Monday, July 30, 2012
We are moving! In about 4 weeks to be exact, yikes! Hubby has a new job that will be taking us down to the St. Louis Missouri area. We were thinking it might be 2 months but after hubby talked with his new employer today it looks like we will be there by the first of September. I will be sure to post pictures as soon as we get settled. Until then I have a lot of packing to do, and school to try to keep up with. ;•}
Monday, July 9, 2012
Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons, a book review
Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons, and 199 other questions from Catholic teenagers a book by Matthew Pinto, foreword by Jeff Cavins, 269 pages, published by Ascension Press. I bought this book while I was in the RCIA program at my church, from one of the local Catholic book stores. I had bought it for two reasons; number one, I thought it would be a funny, easy read, and it was, number 2 I thought it would be a quick way to learn a lot about the Catholic faith, and it was. It even came with a a prayer on the first page, to say before reading. It was a wealth of information on topics such as; God, Creation and Man, Religion and the Bible, Jesus Christ, The Catholic Faith and the Church, The Catholic Faith and Other Religions, The Catholic Faith and Society, Catholic Living, Catholic Prayer and Worship, and more. Also included in this book are a books of the Bible guide, a guide for confession and an examination of conscience. The questions asked, by real teens who wrote in their questions to Matthew Pinto, are great, real questions that any one of us have probably wondered about at one time or another. Each question is answered sincerely, with church teaching, the catechism, and the Bible referenced multiple times. Many societal misconceptions are cleared up in the answers in this book. I would highly recommend this book for a gift for anyone in RCIA, Confirmation, or graduation. This also makes a great book to go along with your Bible reading, because it gives you so many Bible verses to back up a church teaching, just go thorough and high light them, you never know when it will come in handy. An extra copy might not be a bad idea either, it's a great book to hand out to those you know who might need a little refresher on their faith.
I wrote this review of Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons? for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Once Upon a time Saints, a book review
Once Upon a time Saints by Ethel Pochocki, illustrated by Tom Matt, published by Bethlehem Books. This book is a great read a loud book for children ages toddler and up. With short, to-the-point stories you can keep the interest of the child you are reading to or who is reading the story on their own. This would make wonderful early reader for children just learning to read. With it's easy-to-hold size, sightly larger then a regular paperback book, and it's nice large size easy to read print. Most of the stories are just a few short pages long and have beautiful pencil drawings depicting the lives of the saints. It also is filled with stories of saints who you don't hear about all that often. St. Comgall, St. Felix, And St. Hubert to name a few of the sixteen saint stories listed in this book. The stories do not go in liturgical order, although there is a list in the back of the book that does show them in that way. This would make a great book for, grandma and grandpa's house, or bedtime stories, but it is not limited to younger children. This book would be great for any age child that is interested in learning more about the saints. It works great with home schooling as well. With the short story size it makes it perfect to assign any where from two to five stories for your child to read each week. And in no time your child will know tons about the lives of the saints. And all that they have to teach us about God's love for each of us. And that we each have our own path to holiness. There are three books in this series that I know of.
I wrote this review of Once Upon a Time Saints for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Around the Year, Once Upon a Time Saints, a book review
I wrote this review of Around the Year Once Upon a Time Saints for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
All Ye Lands, World Cultures and Geography, a book review
All Ye Lands, World Cultures and Geography published by Ignatius Press, part of the Catholic Schools Textbook Project, 6th grade, 16 chapters, 352 pages. "All Ye Lands" is a wonderfully put together textbook for early jr. high history classes. This textbook starts with a chapter introducing geography to the student, how to read maps, longitude and latitude are explained. As well as the continents, the water systems, geographical terms, and the climates. The following chapters go from pre-history, old testament Biblical history to ancient Greece and Rome. It spends a chapter on the gift of Christianity, and the life of Jesus. It covers such topics Byzantine Rite and the rise of Islam. Right up to South America in the 1800's. This textbook is filled with beautiful pictures and illustrations throughout, all with captions. Vocabulary words are in bold print in each chapter with a definition box in the side column. The impact that the Catholic church and Christianity has had in the shaping of the world around us is highlighted throughout this textbook. All of the chapters end with a review page with not only review questions but with several points for the student to consider. A bonus at the end of each chapter is an easy recipe for your student to make on there own. At the end of the book is an index. This is a great book to follow the 5th grade book "From Sea to Shining Sea, The Story of America". Or to stand on it's own. I do not own the teacher textbook manual for this book, but have not found that I have ever needed it. The textbook follows along at a very easy to read, and easy to plan pace. We have very much enjoyed using this book with our home schooling.
I wrote this review of All Ye Lands Student Text for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
From Sea to Shining Sea, The Story of America, a book review
From Sea to Shining Sea, The Story of America published by Ignatius Press, part of the Catholic Schools Textbook Project. 20 chapters with an index, 462 pages. "From Sea to Shining Sea" is a 5th grade U.S. history book, that also incorporates the Catholic impact on the shaping of the U.S. This textbook covers early voyages of St. Brendan from fifth century Ireland to the new world. As well as the Vikings, Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky. It also goes into detail of the son of King Owain of Wales, Madoc. And the very welsh looking Indians that later settlers found. The textbook, continues through the Spanish conquistadors, the French and Indian war, And the early colonies. Right through to the early part of the 1900's. Each chapter includes vocabulary words in bold print, pictures with captions, and easy to read sections. Each chapter, and ends with a summary, chapter checkpoint, followed by activities you can do and a short paragraph titled American larder, which gives you a glimpse into the eating habits of the people during that time period. An Index is included in the back of the book. This is an excellent history textbook for either Catholic schools, or the Catholic home school setting. The book is set up in a very user friendly set up. I was so happy to find this book, it's great for my kids to learn how Catholic's impacted the growth of our country, either through their discoveries or in some cases through their martyrdom. Saints and religious are featured through this textbook. I do not have the teachers manual for this book, but have not in any way found that in any way to be a hindrance to planning my child's school lessons with this book.
I wrote this review of From Sea To Shining Sea Student Text for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina, a book review
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
St. Therese And The Roses, a book review
Saint Therese and The Roses by Helen Walker Homan, illustrated by George W. Thompson, published by Ignatius Press, 9 chapters, 149 pages, part of the Vision Book Series. "Saint Therese" is another wonderful book from the Vision Book Series, written in 1955. It tells the story of St. Therese, a much beloved Catholic saint. The Vision Book Series is a wonderful addition to any family book shelf, but especially to the home schooling family's book shelf. With their extremely descriptive stories that make you feel as though you have stepped back in time and are truly living out the story in your hands. Also there is a teacher's companion book to the Vision Book Series, which not all Vision Books are listed in, although "Saint Therese" is, Saints of the Church, which gives you vocabulary, timelines, topics for reports and much more, making it perfect to plan a unit study off of the one book. "Saint Therese" walks you through the life of Therese Martin, a sweet girl who lived a very short life, and promised to send a shower of roses from heaven after her death. This book sends the better part, 7 chapters, on St. Therese's early life before she joined the Carmelite Sisters. The Last 2 chapters are spent on St. Therese's life as a sister and gives wonderful examples of her "little way", always doing the most disliked chores and tasks, but always doing them with a smile and for the glory of God. Not long after finishing her book "A Story of A Soul" and not quite 25 years old, St. Therese succumbed to the tuberculosis that had plagued her. A short 27 years later the Holy Father named Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Therese, she has been showering the earth with roses ever since.
I wrote this review of Saint Therese And the Roses - A Vision Book for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Prima Latina, a book review
I wrote this review of Prima Latina Text Set for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Saint Joan, The Girl Saint. a book review
Saint Joan, The Girl Soldier written by Louis de Wohl, illustrated by Harry Barton, published by Ignatius Press, part of the Vision Book Series, 166 pages. I can not say enough great things about the Vision Book Series. These are a wonderfully written series on the lives of much loved Catholic saints. They are a must have for any Catholic home, and especially any home schooling family. "Saint Joan" is a very reader friendly book, 5th grade and up, with the exception of the very French last names, which were very hard for us to pronounce. Girls will love to read this book, of course, as they learn how Joan of Arc commanded, and fought along side her army. Boys will love to read this book, as it is mostly about war. Parents will love for their children to read about Joan's complete obedience to and love for God and her willingness to bend to God's will in all things. Even as Joan was being tried for heresy, she never doubted her love for God. This a fantastic book for home schooling families, and could be used as the base for a unit study on France or Saint Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc was a tremendously brave girl, she commanded armies, made grown men change their bad habits to good, won wars, and crowned a king. She was betrayed by the country she helped set free, and the church she loved. She was found guilty and burned at the stake, all before the age of 20, and with out ever doubting God's love or will for her life. I would recommend this book for all children to read, for Saint Joan was truly a wonderful role model.
I wrote this review of Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier - A Vision Book for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
Our Lady Came to Fatima, a book review
Our Lady Came to Fatima written by Ruth Fox Hume, illustrated by Christpher J. Pelicano, published by Ignatius Press, part of the Vision Book Series, 165 pages. I would like to start off by saying that we love the Vision Book Series. I think that every Catholic child should have at least a few of this series on their book shelf. "Our Lady Came to Fatima" was a wonderful book, we read this book for the first time during our out loud reading time and was able to read a chapter in anywhere from 20 minutes to a half of an hour. I would say that this book has a reading level of fourth grade and up. My teenager has re-read this book and enjoyed it just as much now as she did the first time when she was 9 years old. This book isn't just for girls either, my son enjoyed it as well. We found "Our Lady Came to Fatima" very informative into the apparitions of the Blessed Mother, as well as to the lives of the three young shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta. We found the narrative very descriptive, you can clearly picture the Blessed Mother as she appeared to the children. Also the feelings of the children were portrayed in great detail as they were harassed by family, neighbors and the government, all who thought they were lying through many of the months that the apparitions were happening. It goes on to tell of the children's lives after the October 13th miracle, the dance of the sun, witnessed by more then 30,000 people. The bravery in the face of death shown by young Francisco and Jacinta is a great model for children. Chronicled also are the struggles that Lucia faced as she entered the convent and tried to move forward with her life. An afterword gives an update (the original copyright is 1957) to the beatification of Fancisco and Jacinta.
I wrote this review of Our Lady Came To Fatima - A Vision Book for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
book review
John Paul II, A Life of Grace book review
John Paul II, A Life of Grace written by Renzo Allegri, translated by Marsha Daigle-Williamson, Ph.D. published by Servant Books. "John Paul II" is a 195 page biography on the life of Pope John Paul II. This book starts with a quick introduction of Pope John Paul II parents, family and moves swiftly into John Paul II (then Karol)'s life. This book gives you much in the way of what it was like for young Karol as the family struggled with Karol's mother, Emilia's ill health. The author shares a beautiful poem that young Karol wrote 10 years after his mothers death in remembrance of her. Several chapters are spent going into detail of young Karol's early adult years, which he spent writing plays based on books of the Bible, and working with other young adults his age in underground prayer groups during the war. Some of the things Karol learned in these underground prayer groups he used during his early years as a priest when working with the youth groups that he started. This book goes on to discuss the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in the early 80's and it's links to the third secret of Fatima. I would highly recommend this book to be read by anyone with even a passing interest in Pope Blessed John Paul II and his life. It blends together the over all theme of the life of Karol Wojtyla (later Pope John Paul II) which was one of ever increasing struggle, from before he was born until his last breathe, you can see our Lady's hand guiding his life to where it needs to be. You can also see how hard Satan tried to weigh down this incredible man's heart so that he would turn away from God. Thankfully for us, Pope Blessed John Paul II always turned to God and our Lady offering up his life of struggle.
I wrote this review of John Paul II: A Life of Grace for the free Catholic book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods
Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi
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