Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life Skills schedule

Ok, here is the schedule for our Life Skills series. (with a little healthy living thrown in)
Monday 10/24
Basics, what are life skills, what life skills do they want to learn, review life skills they have now (mainly cleaning as they have become lax in their chores :)
Tuesday 10/25
Vitamins, which ones they should take and why they need them (I will be going to the health food store this day so I might as well kill 2 birds), Shopping and budgets
Wednesday 10/26
Thursday 10/27
no school
Friday 10/28
Sewing, we have a co-op class I teach on Fridays already, so we will go with that theme
Monday 10/31
eating with the seasons, cooking and clean-up when you are done!!!! :)
Tuesday 11/1
Produce picking, how to tell if a fruit or veggie is ripe, more cooking and recipes, creating a recipe binder.
Wednesday 11/2
Cleaning supplies, how to make them, what to use when and stain removal.
Thursday 11/3
no school
Friday 11/4
Nutrition (Co-op Class)

I hope you come and enjoy this series with us, God bless and keep you,
Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. - St. Francis of Assisi